Management of personnel
Human Resources: "human as an additional value"
To recruit, develop and keep well qualified employees and managers is the core task of the organization.
Furthermore, it is important to manage, lead and control the employees result-oriented in regard to the overall context, on the economic level as well as on the social level. In addition to the development of the organization and personnel we support you in the management of personnel, e.g.:
Optimize structures of human resources
- change management in the operational and organizational structure
- establishment of a profile for competence, functional and resource-oriented
- systems for motivation and incentive to increase the performance
Personnel search and selection
- personnel strategy and planning
- personnel marketing
- recruiting of high-level positions and experts
- psychological and functional selection processes and selection interviews
PIA: Personal Individual Analysis ®
The PIA analyses individual and substantial character traits, strengths, weaknesses, talents, potentials, competences and resources of individuals in organizations.
With the PIA it is possible to identify objectively which rational and irrational competences the individuals have, for improvement of the leadership ability and capacity to act.